
Description of special boundary markers.

Boundary markers perform special operations. Since they have the ability to match nothing, quantifiers and plug-in matchers cannot be applied to boundary matchers.

Beginning/End of Input

The beginning and end of input characters ('^' and '$' respectively) match exactly what their names imply and should only appear at the beginning/end of a phonex expression.

Word Boundaries

Word boundaries detect and match the edges of words in the given input. Words boundaries are detected at the beginning/end of input as well as whitespace.

Syllable Boundaries

Syllable boundaries detect and match the edges of syllables in the given input. Syllable boundaries are detected at the beginning/end of input, whitespace, ipa punctuation (stress, pauses, periods, etc.), and - if available - using syllabification information. When reading an input string from left to right, if a space and stress marker are adjacent then the syllable boundary will match once (i.e., only one syllable boundary is detected - not two.)