Phonological Processes

The Phonological Processes analyses will query and report on pre-defined and custom IPA Target ↔ IPA Actual processes. These processes are typicalled defined using phonex expressions. Each pre-defined process is available as a named analyis under the Phonological Processes submenu.


Figure 1. Phonological Process Parameters

Phonological processes are defined using a pair of IPA Target/Actual expressions. Custom processes may be defined by entering the appropriate IPA Target/Actual expression in the form under IPA Target/Actual Options as shown above.

Several pre-defined phonological processes have been defined and are accessible by name under the Analysis > Phonological Process menu. The list of pre-defined processes is also availble in the Process combo box at the top of the analysis form. The list of pre-defined processes is:
  • Coronal Backing

    IPA Target expression: {coronal}

    IPA Actual expression: {dorsal} (exact match)

  • Deaffrication

    IPA Target expression: {affricate}

    IPA Actual expression: {-affricate} (exact match)

  • Deletion

    IPA Target expression: \w

    IPA Actual expression: ^$ (exact match)

  • Devoicing

    IPA Target expression: {voiced}

    IPA Actual expression: {voiceless} (exact match)

  • Liquid Gliding & Vocalization

    IPA Target expression: {liquid}

    IPA Actual expression: [\g\v] (exact match)

  • Glottalization

    IPA Target expression: {-glottal}

    IPA Actual expression: {glottal} (exact match)

  • Lateralization

    IPA Target expression: {-lateral}

    IPA Actual expression: {lateral} (exact match)

  • Fricative Stopping

    IPA Target expression: {fricative}

    IPA Actual expression: {stop} (exact match)

  • Velar Fronting

    IPA Target expression: {velar}

    IPA Actual expression: {coronal} (exact match)

  • Voicing

    IPA Target expression: {voiceless}

    IPA Actual expression: {voiced} (exact match)

  • Epenthesis

    IPA Target expression: ^$ (exact match)

    IPA Actual expression: \w
    Note: Unlike the other processes IPA Actual is queried before IPA Target during the analysis. Likewise the 'count' shown in tables of this analysis is the number of elements found in IPA Actual. Epenthesis is not displayed in the drop-down menu but you can find the epenthesis analysis under the Analysis > Phonlogical Process menu.

Report Outline

A sample table of contents is displayed below. Bold level elements are section headers while italic items are tables.

  • Phonological Process

    • Parameters

    • Summary
      • All Participants
      • Participant 1
      • … (for each selected participant)
    • Aggregate
      • All Participants (if more than one participant)
      • Participant 1
      • … (for each selected participant)
    • Listing (All results)